
 Heyyyy, so today I am going to introduce you about a sport who has a lot of profit. It is a useful sport that everyone can practice. 

The Sport 

The sport that I told you about is swimming. A term that encompasses various physical activities practised in the water : diving, synchronized swimming and more. Swimming became an Olympic discipline in 1896 for men and 1912 for women.  

I have been swimming since my primary school, it was my extracurricular activity. I always say that water was like my element, and I still think that it is the case. Likewise, I have loved water since I was a little girl. Whenever anyone talks to me about swimming pools, the sea or anything like that, I swear I could not stay in my place because I get so excited. 


The 4 Types Of Swimming

In swimming, there are a number of things to keep in mind, such as position yourself well, control arm and leg movements and learn to breathe properly. But like any sport, swimming has its own notions, which I'm going to present to you in the form of four types of stroke.

    1. Breaststroke  

Breaststroke, the most frequently observed and used stroke.   It muscles the biceps, pectorals and abdominal. It's also good for your calves. However, if you have knee problems, it's best to avoid breaststroke. The crawl is more suitable.

    2. Crawl

  This swimming technique will allow you to work on strengthening your arm muscles. It is sculpting arms, buttocks and slimming legs, the crawl is also great for developing breath.

    3. Backstroke   

   It works the muscles of the back, opening up the rib cage and increasing respiratory capacity. Backstroke is often recommended by physiotherapists to relieve back problems, especially those affecting the spine.

 4. Butterfly Stroke 

Known for being the most difficult stroke, buttefly stroke is a physical stroke. Your arms fly like butterflies through the water, your legs stick together, beating at the same time and frequency. This stroke requires muscular strength, flexibility and perfect synchronization of movements.


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  2. Very intresting blog! Good informations and images.

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  4. Wow I love your blog! Very pretty pictures.


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