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 Hey everyone, today I am going to introduce you a genre of music that I really like. As everyone knows, there are many types of music, but I do not think any of them can achieve jazz. The Origins of Jazz Jazz is the result of a blend of several styles present in the early 20th century in the United States : Blues, black spirituals and ragtime. In fact, Jazz was born during the black slave trade. These slaves took their musical tradition with them. They sang work songs or Blues, in the cotton plantation. There were also  negro  spiritual and gospel songs, which are performed at the church.  The blending of these different styles of music with the military marching music during parade gave rise to a new musical genre called Jazz.  Three Jazz Legends Louis Armstrong (1901-1971) : musician - Louis Armstrong was often considered one of the greatest jazz trumpeters and singers of all time. He began playing in local New Orleans orchestras. His career really took off when he joined King Oliv

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