Hey guys :) 

My name is Rakotoson Masiharena Noémie, but everyone call me Noémie. I am from Madagascar, a country in the south-east Africa. I am in secondary 5 at Pionniers in the PEI an intermediate study program. And doing a blog is an English project to practice our writting more.

I am actually fifteen years old, but I am turning sixteen in a few days. That make me feel so happy because I am very exated about getting my driver's licence. It was like a little dream come true. 

Is was litteraly my first time for writting a blog. But I'm going to do my best to share with you a few anecdotes from my life, things I'm doing in particular or pearls of places I'd really like to go. In fact, I will talk to you about nothing and everything. That's the first reason why my blog called "everything and nothing". In one vlog, I could tell you about what I've been up to all day, and on another I could tell you about cooking or decorating I find beautiful. 

Bye, see you soon.  





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